A commitment to cleanliness
In response to the coronavirus outbreak, DFW committed to obtaining GBAC Star Accreditation. With this, the airport commits to the industry’s highest standards for cleaning, disinfection, and infectious disease prevention. Shortly after the pandemic started, DFW deployed a Cleaning Strike Team, a 165-member team of professionals whose only focus has been on enhanced cleaning in touch-points across the five terminals. Additionally, the airport has contractors on-call for decontamination protocols. These efforts began back in January and have continued expanding to meet the growing demands.
Social distancing policies and procedures
DFW has rolled out various policies and procedures to keep passengers, guests, and employees safe. Face coverings are required on airport property for anyone over two years of age. Plexiglass shields have been installed at ticket counters, TSA, and gates. Touchless services have been implemented in ticketing, bag check, TSA, and boarding procedures. Floor signs flood high traffic areas (including jet bridges) to remind passengers to keep a distance of six feet or more. As you walk through the airport, PSAs are centered heavily around social distancing recommendations and CDC protocols. Additionally, Smart Restrooms, including auto soap dispensers, single-touch paper towel dispensers, and auto faucets, are implemented throughout all terminals offering a touchless experience.
Mitigating risk with reduced services
Along with airlines, many airports, including DFW, have reduced air and terminal services in hopes to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Several restaurants, shops, and services continue to have limited hours or remain closed until they can safely operate at regular hours and capacity. Restaurants that remain open must do so with limited (50%) occupancy. Select bars remain closed to abide by recent government orders.
Encouraging safer travel
While DFW airport is working diligently to keep both guests and employees safe, we can all do our part. Here are a few things the airport is asking travelers to consider before their next trip:
- Help reduce crowded shuttles by parking onsite in the terminal parking garages. Travelers can save 50% when they prepay.
- Utilize mobile boarding passes and carry-on luggage when you can to reduce touch-points.
- Download DFW’s mobile app for updated flight information, and call ahead mobile food ordering.
- Plan by viewing security checkpoint wait times on the security web page or the mobile app.
As the travel industry continues to adapt, it’s critical that passengers feel safe and informed. Don’t let the lack of information keep you from your destination.
If you are interested in reading more about what the airport is doing to combat the coronavirus, check out the DFW Airport Pandemic Preparedness Plan. If you are interested in learning more about what other airports are doing? Contact our agents, and we will be more than happy to help.
Safe travels!