Arrangers and candidates are happier

What are the benefits of inviting candidates to book their own travel?

Invite company guests to book their own trips
HR departments save hundreds of hours each month inviting candidates to book their own trip with a trip template for booking fights, hotels and transfers. Candidates simply view and choose the predefined dates and destination trip options, fill in their TSA information, save their itinerary, and they are done. HR is not required to communicate personal trip information.

Limit candidate travel to policy-based options
Recruiting managers create policy-based trip templates for candidate booking that limit excessive trip prices and inconvenient flight times. Out of policy prices are either hidden, flagged or require pre-trip approval before purchased. Letting travelers choose their own flights makes sense provided they don’t fly first class.

Pay for and monitor candidate's travel direct bookings
HR can allow recruits and company guests to book their own trip while the company pays for the trip. If the interview or assignment gets cancelled, the company can refund the trip costs or re-use the flight coupons with the next candidate. Otherwise the guest expenses the trip, but can keep or reuse the funds personally.
Additional services and tools
“Finding the right candidate is hard. Planning their travel shouldn’t be. ITS’s guest booking tool saves time and money.”